An abundance has been reported in the press just a while ago concerning the bingo industry being hurt as a result of the cigarette ban in the UK. Things have grown so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has called for massive aid to assist in keeping the industry from going bankrupt. However can the online variation of this traditional game present a salvation, or might it never compare to its real life kin?

Bingo is an enduring game normally played by the "blue rinse" generation. Although the game lately had witnessed a recent return in acceptance with younger people opting to visit the bingo parlors rather than the clubs on a Saturday night. This is all about to get flipped on its head with the legislating of the anti cigarette law all over Britain.

No more will players be able to puff on cigarettes whilst marking numbers. From the summer of 2007 every public place will no longer be allowed to permit cigarettes in their buildings and this includes Bingo halls, which are possibly the most popular places where players enjoy smoking.

The outcome of the smoking ban can already be seen in Scotland where cigarettes are already barred in the bingo parlors. Numbers have plunged and the business is absolutely struggling for its life. But where have all the players gone? Of course they have not forgotten this enduring game?

The answer is online. Players know that they can play bingo in front of their computer whilst enjoying a drink and fag and still enjoy massive prizes. This is a recent development and has happened just about perfectly with the ban on smoking.

Of course betting on on the internet is unlikely to replace the social aspect of going over to the bingo parlor, but for a group of players the governing edicts have left a lot of bingo enthusiasts with little alternative.